For over twenty years, the phenomenon of phosphorescence has been central in Pierre Bruneau artistic approach. His pieces morph as they react to variations in light. In day light, the canvases are monochromatic but with increasing darkness, images reveal themselves, filigreed in the matter until in full darkness only the luminous interventions remain, immaterial, ungraspable. His most recent work addresses some complex and mysterious aspects of human nature. Underneath the skin-colored pigment of the delicate surfaces reside evocative portraits, indiscernible to light. Pierre Bruneau also pursues a postal art project which over the years has developed into striking proportions. Since April 1989 and without interruption, the artist has produced art pieces in limited edition on monthly basis to be send by mail to a limited number of subscribers. This practice provides the collectors with a unique access to the artist’s creative process, his ideas, projects and reflections.