A self-taught painter, Janine Carreau has divided her time between the Eastern Townships and Montreal. After the classical course and studies at Loyola College in photography with John Max and in cinema with Charles Gagnon, she first worked in these two fields (Potterton Productions, NFB, SRC). She joined forces with Pierre Gauvreau in 1976. This was to be followed by 35 years of autonomous creations and fusional love. Agent of his works and those of his brother, the poet and playwright Claude Gauvreau, she has several exhibition curatorships to her credit, the most important PIERRE GAUVREAU J’espérais vous voir ici, at the Musée de la Civilisation, in Quebec City, in 2013-2014. In 1980, she started her first DAILY JOURNAL. In 1982, inspired by the Journal’s self-contained cartons, she revisited the game of EXQUISITE CADAVRE. Toronto historian Ray Ellenwood credits her with the initiative of L’ÉCOLE DE MONTRÉAL. In 2018 she created two Journals are 744 elements in acrylic and Japanese papers She is working on her FIFTEENTH annual Journal.