Poet and novelist, Carle Coppens obtained a Master’s degree in differential psychology at the University of Aix-Marseille II in 1995-1996 and a Master’s degree in industrial/organizational psychology at the University of Montreal (1996-1998). In 1993, he won the Grand Prix of the letter-writing contest of the Office Franco-Québécois pour la jeunesse. He contributes to several cultural and literary magazines, including Lettres Québécoises, Moebius, Critère, Stop, Brèves littéraires, Revue des animaux, Entrelacs, Le Sabord, Action Poétique (France) and Souffles (France). Son of the poet Patrick Coppens, he published his first collection, Poèmes contre la montre, in 1996. He has received numerous awards, including the prestigious Émile-Nelligan prize.